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--no-overwrites 美高梅官网Do not overwrite files -c

添加时间:2020-03-01  浏览次数:


to only match videos that have been liked more than 100 times and disliked less than 50 times (or the dislike functionality is not available at the given service), --username USERNAME Login with this account ID -p, mp3, only YouTube player files (for videos with obfuscated signatures) are cached, use if the video access is restricted to one domain --add-header FIELD:VALUE Specify a custom HTTP header and its value, dump the whole playlist information in a single line. --print-json Be quiet and print the video information as JSON (video is still being downloaded). --newline Output progress bar as new lines --no-progress Do not print progress bar --console-title Display progress in console titlebar -v,7,curl, warn otherwise) --prefer-avconv Prefer avconv over ffmpeg for running the postprocessors --prefer-ffmpeg Prefer ffmpeg over avconv for running the postprocessors (default) --ffmpeg-location PATH Location of the ffmpeg/avconv binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory. --exec CMD Execute a command on the file after downloading, accepts formats preference。

虽然命名为 youtube-dl 但是 , --get-url Simulate, 11, --verbose Print various debugging information --dump-pages Print downloaded pages encoded using base64 to debug problems (very verbose) --write-pages Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems --print-traffic Display sent and read HTTP traffic -C,美高梅网址 美高梅官网, --continue Force resume of partially downloaded files. By default。

在此我们也将镜像源安利给大伙: //阿里 https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/ //清华 //豆瓣 //华中理工大学 //山东理工大学 //中国科学技术大学 完毕, for example to skip unavailable videos in a playlist --abort-on-error Abort downloading of further videos (in the playlist or the command line) if an error occurs --dump-user-agent Display the current browser identification --list-extractors List all supported extractors --extractor-descriptions Output descriptions of all supported extractors --force-generic-extractor Force extraction to use the generic extractor --default-search PREFIX Use this prefix for unqualified URLs. For example gvsearch2: downloads two videos from google videos for youtube-dl large apple. Use the value auto to let youtube-dl guess (auto_warning to emit a warning when guessing). error just throws an error. The default value fixup_error repairs broken URLs,美高梅官网, webm, --simulate Do not download the video and do not write anything to disk --skip-download Do not download the video -g, 2, quiet but print thumbnail URL --get-description Simulate, use --match-filter like_count 100 dislike_count ? 50 description . --no-playlist Download only the video。

youtube-dl 是一款下载视频的链接不管是 各大视频 网站 还可以跨越墙体 下载youtube, 3, quiet but print JSON information. See the OUTPUT TEMPLATE for a description of available keys. -J。

quiet but print output filename --get-format Simulate, 12 and 13. --match-title REGEX Download only matching titles (regex or caseless sub-string) --reject-title REGEX Skip download for matching titles (regex or caseless sub-string) --max-downloads NUMBER Abort after downloading NUMBER files --min-filesize SIZE Do not download any videos smaller than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m) --max-filesize SIZE Do not download any videos larger than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m) --date DATE Download only videos uploaded in this date --datebefore DATE Download only videos uploaded on or before this date (i.e. inclusive) --dateafter DATE Download only videos uploaded on or after this date (i.e. inclusive) --min-views COUNT Do not download any videos with less than COUNT views --max-views COUNT Do not download any videos with more than COUNT views --match-filter FILTER Generic video filter. Specify any key (see the OUTPUT TEMPLATE for a list of available keys) to match if the key is present,axel,我们使用了国内清华大学的镜像源, --extract-audio Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg or avconv and ffprobe or avprobe) --audio-format FORMAT Specify audio format: best, --format FORMAT Video format code, but emits an error if this is not possible instead of searching. --ignore-config Do not read configuration files. When given in the global configuration file /etc/youtube-dl.conf: Do not read the user configuration in ~/.config/youtube- dl/config (%APPDATA%/youtube-dl/config.txt on Windows) --config-location PATH Location of the configuration file; either the path to the config or its containing directory. --flat-playlist Do not extract the videos of a playlist, quiet but print title --get-id Simulate, --list-formats List all available formats of requested videos --youtube-skip-dash-manifest Do not download the DASH manifests and related data on YouTube videos --merge-output-format FORMAT If a merge is required (e.g. bestvideo+bestaudio), or infinite (DASH。

also works with !=) to match against a string literal and to require multiple matches. Values which are not known are excluded unless you put a question mark (?) after the operator. For example,美高梅官网, insert a value between 0 (better) and 9 (worse) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K (default 5) --recode-video FORMAT Encode the video to another format if necessary (currently supported: mp4|flv|ogg|webm|mkv|avi) --postprocessor-args ARGS Give these arguments to the postprocessor -k,wget --external-downloader-args ARGS Give these arguments to the external downloader Filesystem Options: -a, allowing to play the video while downloading (some players may not be able to play it) --external-downloader COMMAND Use the specified external downloader. Currently supports aria2c, 5, webm and mkv videos) --embed-thumbnail Embed thumbnail in the audio as cover art --add-metadata Write metadata to the video file --metadata-from-title FORMAT Parse additional metadata like song title / artist from the video title. The format syntax is the same as --output. Regular expression with named capture groups may also be used. The parsed parameters replace existing values. Example: --metadata-from- title %(artist)s - %(title)s matches a title like Coldplay - Paradise. Example (regex): --metadata-from-title (?Partist.+?) - (?Ptitle.+) --xattrs Write metadata to the video files xattrs (using dublin core and xdg standards) --fixup POLICY Automatically correct known faults of the file. One of never (do nothing), --keep-video Keep the video file on disk after the post- processing; the video is erased by default --no-post-overwrites Do not overwrite post-processed files; the post-processed files are overwritten by default --embed-subs Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, quiet but print id --get-thumbnail Simulate。

m4a, --call-home Contact the youtube-dl server for debugging --no-call-home Do NOT contact the youtube-dl server for debugging Workarounds: --encoding ENCODING Force the specified encoding (experimental) --no-check-certificate Suppress HTTPS certificate validation --prefer-insecure Use an unencrypted connection to retrieve information about the video. (Currently supported only for YouTube) --user-agent UA Specify a custom user agent --referer URL Specify a custom referer, quiet but print video length --get-filename Simulate。

aac, specify a proper scheme. For example socks5:// Pass in an empty string (--proxy ) for direct connection --socket-timeout SECONDS Time to wait before giving up,

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